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- 5 days a week; all day
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday; all day
- Tuesday and Thursday; all day
- Supports head and upper body when on stomach
- Stretches out legs and kick when on stomach or back
- Opens and shut hands
- Brings hands to mouth
- Grabs and shakes hand toys
- Swipes and bats at dangling objects
- Pushes down legs when on a flat surface
- Follows moving objects with eyes
- Turning their head to face the stimulus
- Rolls over both ways (stomach to back, back to stomach)
- Sits up with, and then without, support of his hands
- Reaches for object with one hand using the raking grasp
- Transfers objects from hand to hand
- Supports whole weight when on legs and held upright
- Explores objects with hands and mouth
- Gets in and out of a sitting position independently
- Gets on hands-and-knees position and crawls
- Pulls self up to standing position, walks holding on to furniture, stands without support and, eventually, takes a few steps without support and begins to walk
- Uses pincer grasp (thumb and first finger)
- Places objects into container and takes them out of container
- Begins to do more functional activities, such as hold a spoon or turn pages in a book
- Makes cooing sounds
- Laughs
- Babbles consonants (like ba-ba-ba-ba-ba)
- Caregivers provide opportunity to communicate with baby during diaper changes, feedings, playtime, reading stories, etc.
- Says “mama” and “dada” and uses these terms specifically referring to a parent
- Uses exclamations such as “0h-oh!”
- Tries to imitate words and may say first word
- Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no” or waving for “bye-bye”
- Plays interactive gesture games, such as pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo
- Begins to Smile at familiar faces
- Enjoys playing with other people
- Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice
- Finds partially hidden objects
- Easily finds hidden objects
- Uses objects correctly such as holding phone up to ear or drinking from a cup
- Is shy around strangers
- Cries when mom or dad leaves(Separation Anxiety)